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Event Planning Calendar ── National Education One-stop Portal
Teachers can exercise professional judgement and refer to relevant academic works when adopting the Learning and Teaching Resources prepared by scholars and teachers to enhance the teaching content. They can also select appropriate parts from the learning and teaching resources, according to the pedagogical as well as learning needs of students, as materials designed for classroom learning or extended learning so as to align with the implementation of the curriculum.

Planning Tips


Year Date Key Dates in 2023/24 School Year Examples of School-based Learning Activities References
2023/24 school year Schools should refer to this Event Planning Calendar and other school key dates (including open days, speech days, sports days, swimming galas and the school anniversary ceremony) to plan and arrange national education activities throughout the year.

• Make arrangements for the raising of the national flag, and the playing and singing of the national anthem on key dates specified in this Event Planning Calendar apart from the school’s regular arrangement.

• Share topics such as the recent development of our country, Chinese culture, Chinese history and the significance of the national anthem/ the national flag/ the national emblem/ the regional flag/ the regional emblem through “the speech under the national flag” after the raising of the national flag, and the playing and singing of the national anthem.

• Organise displays on school/ classroom bulletin boards, thematic book exhibitions, visits, talks, inter- class/ form Constitution and Basic Law competitions, patriotic films appreciation, historical drama performances, Chinese culture days/ weeks, reading and reciting literary pieces (e.g. “On the Young China”), as well as playing and singing Chinese style songs (e.g. “My Motherland and I”), so as to enable students to explore different aspects of our country, such as our country’s recent development, Chinese culture, Chinese history, the meaning of national symbols and signs (including the national flag, the national emblem and the national anthem).

• Arrange for students to participate in national education activities organised by the EDB, various government departments or non-governmental organisations.

• Nominate students to join the Constitution and Basic Law Student Ambassadors Training Scheme organised by the EDB, and guide student ambassadors to assist teachers in organising activities and promoting the Constitution, the Basic Law and national security in schools.

2023 1 September School Opening Ceremony

• Make arrangements for the raising of the national flag, and the playing and singing of the national anthem.

(i) 簡報:我們的國歌 (Chinese version only)

3 September Victory Day of Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression

• Organise thematic book exhibitions in the school library.

• Engage students in sharing film reviews on the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.

• Make arrangements for a moment of silence in the school to commemorate the casualties of the war.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 短片:九月三日中國人民抗日戰爭勝利紀念日 (Chinese version only)

(iii) 中國人民抗日戰爭勝利紀念日學與教資源 (Chinese version only)

教師版 學生版
18 September September 18 Incident Memorial Day

• Discuss with students the September 18 Incident during Chinese History / History lessons.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 短片:「九 • 一八」事變紀念日 (Chinese version only)

(iii)「九 • 一八事變」紀念日學與教資源 (Chinese version only)

教師版 學生版

(iv)「九 • 一八事變」紀念日電子教材套 (Chinese version only)

(v) 教育局局長出席抗日戰爭歷史教育系列:「九 • 一八事變」學與教資源簡介、抗戰老兵分享暨「與抗日戰士AI對話」教材發布會致辭 (Chinese version only)

(vi) 與抗日戰士AI對話 (Chinese version only)

29 September Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
(the 15th day of the eighth month in the lunar calendar)

• Organise festive activities such as lantern riddle activities and lantern design competitions.

• Make arrangements for reading and reciting literary pieces about the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival and the moon.

(i) 短片:中秋節散發的味道 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 短片:嫦娥與玉兔 (Chinese version only)

(iii) English Language Education— e-Book (Mid-Autumn Festival)

30 September Martyrs' Day

• Engage students in doing a film review on patriotic films.

• Make arrangements for a moment of silence in the school to commemorate the martyrs of the war.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 烈士紀念日學與教資源 (Chinese version only)

教師版 學生版
1 October National Day

• Organise celebration activities including conducting the national flag raising ceremony, and the playing and singing of the national anthem on the National Day or the school day before or after the National Day.

• Introduce the development of our country (e.g. sports, technology, transport, construction) on school bulletin boards.

• Engage students in collecting information / project learning / sharing on the recent development of our country (e.g. aerospace engineering, Guangzhou - Shenzhen - Hong Kong High Speed Rail, and Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area).

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) Personal, Social & Humanities Education—National Economic Development: Infographics and Student Interactive Quiz Games (Chinese version only)

(iii) 「國慶日」網上小挑戰 (Chinese version only)

小學組 中學組
4 December Constitution Day

• Introduce the Constitution and the Basic Law and their constitutional order on school bulletin boards.

• Organise inter-class or inter-form quizzes on the Constitution and the Basic Law.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 《憲法》小知識 (Chinese version only)

(iii) The Constitution and the Basic Law Exhibition Panels

(iv) 短片:《中華人民共和國憲法》小知識 (Chinese version only)

中學 小學
13 December Nanjing Massacre National Memorial Day

• Explain the historical facts of Nanjing Massacre in school assemblies or related classes (such as General Studies for primary schools, Chinese History, History and Citizenship and Social Development for secondary schools).

• Make arrangements for a moment of silence in the school to commemorate the victims.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii)「南京大屠殺」教學資源參考 (Chinese version only)

2024 1 January New Year's Day

• Organise celebration activities including conducting the national flag raising ceremony, and the playing and singing of the national anthem on New Year's Day or the school day before or after the New Year's Day.

10 February Lunar New Year’s Day

• Organise festive activities such as red packet design competitions, and Lunar New Year food and dishes design competitions.

• Arrange experiential activities of writing “fai chun”.

• Engage students in collecting information/ project learning on the origins and customs of Lunar New Year to understand the meaning of Lunar New Year.

(i) 新春到長輩家拜年—生活事件教案 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 中國語文教育—與農曆新年文化有關的學與教資源 (Chinese version only)

(iii) English Language Education— e-Book(Chinese New Year)

8 March International Women’s Day

• Design message cards to send blessings to females.

• Introduce on school bulletin boards that equality between men and women is a basic national policy, and contributions of females in different aspects of our country (e.g. science, education, literature and sports).

(i) 短片:三八婦女節和女性權益 (Chinese version only)

4 April Commemoration Day for the Promulgation of the Basic Law

• Organise slogan, writing, drama and poster design competitions.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 「《基本法》頒布紀念日」網上小挑戰遊戲 (Chinese version only)

(iii) Constitution and Basic Law Online Learning Course for Upper Primary and Junior Secondary Students

(iv)《基本法》的構想與落實:簡報及教師參考資料 (Chinese version only)

(v) Constitution and Basic Law Online Course for Secondary School Students’ Self-directed Learning

(vi) Citizenship and Social Development – Self-learning Online Resources for Students: Historical background of "One country, two systems" and the process of Hong Kong’s return to China

(vii) Citizenship and Social Development – Presentation slides for teachers' use: Constitutional relationship between the country and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) (China has indisputable sovereignty and jurisdiction over Hong Kong), legal basis of “one country, two systems” and the Basic Law

(viii) 公民與社會發展科—學生網上自學資源:「輕鬆自學《基本法》」網上課程 (Chinese version only)

(ix) 日常生活《基本法》學與教資源(小學)(Chinese version only)

簡報 講解重點 工作紙(教師版) 工作紙(學生版)

(x) 日常生活《基本法》學與教資源(中學)(Chinese version only)

簡報 講解重點 工作紙(教師版) 工作紙(學生版)
Ching Ming Festival

• Make arrangements for reading and reciting literary pieces about the Ching Ming Festival to ensure students understand the meaning of “paying careful attention to the funeral rites of parents and showing reverence for ancestors”.

(i) 短片:廿四節氣:清明時節雨紛紛 (Chinese version only)

(ii) English Language Education— e-Book(Ching Ming Festival)

15 April National Security Education Day

• Organise talks, project learning activities and school bulletin board design competitions.

(i) 講解重點舉隅 (一) (Chinese version only)

(ii) 講解重點舉隅 (二) (Chinese version only)

(iii) 講解重點舉隅 (三) (Chinese version only)

(iv)「國家安全校園壁報設計比賽」 (Chinese version only)

(v) English Language Education—Resource Materials on Implementing National Security Education in the Junior Secondary English Language Curriculum

(vi) English Language Education—Resource Materials on Implementing National Security Education in the Secondary English Language Curriculum

1 May Labour Day

• Engage students in collecting information / project learning on the origins and meaning of the Labour Day.

• Make arrangements for reading and reciting literary pieces about diligence.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) "Life Event" Exemplar on Cultivating Diligence (Chinese version only)

(iii) “‘My Pledge to Act’ – Let’s do it!” School-based Award Scheme

(iv) 短片:五一勞動節的起源 (Chinese version only)

4 May May Fourth Youth Day

• Arrange for learning activities such as exhibitions, storytelling, and public speaking.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 短片:五四青年節的由來 (Chinese version only)

(iii) 五四青年節學與教資源 (Chinese version only)

教師版 學生版
10 June Tuen Ng Festival
(the fifth day of the fifth month in the lunar calendar)

• Arrange experiential activities of making rice dumplings and dragon boat design competitions.

• Understand the patriotic spirit of Qu Yuan.

(i) 短片:端午節 龍舟與糭子 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 短片:香港龍舟競渡國際化 (Chinese version only)

(iii) English Language Education— e-Book(Dragon Boat Festval)

30 June The Fourth Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Hong Kong National Security Law

• Introduce the Hong Kong National Security Law, conduct talks and project learning activities.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 講解重點舉隅二 (Chinese version only)

(iii) National Security Articles for Knowledge Enrichment (Chinese version only)

Details National Security Education Resource Webpage National Security Education Online Learning Platform

(iv) National Security Education Summer Self-learning Materials (Chinese version only)

Details Relevant resources
July Speech Day

• Make arrangements for the raising of the national flag, and the playing and singing of the national anthem.

1 July The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

• Organise thematic book exhibitions in the school library.

• Engage students in doing a film review on patriotic films.

• Discuss with students the development of the Communist Party of China during Chinese History / History lessons.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

HKSAR Establishment Day

• Organise celebration activities including conducting the national flag raising ceremony, and the playing and singing of the national anthem on the HKSAR Establishment Day or the school day before or after the HKSAR Establishment Day.

• Make arrangements for students toparticipate in activities related to the 27th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) Infographics Series: The Regional Flag and Regional Emblem of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

(iii) 慶祝香港回歸祖國二十六載音樂錄像 ──「東方之珠」(Chinese version only)

7 July July 7 IncidentMemorial Day

• Discuss with students the July 7 Incident during Chinese History / History lessons.

• Engage students in sharing film reviews on the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 七七事變紀念日學與教資源 (Chinese version only)

教師版 學生版

(iii) 短片:七七事變紀念日 (Chinese version only)

1 August Chinese People's Liberation Army Day

• Engage students in collecting information / project learning on the Chinese People's Liberation Army / the Chinese People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison.

(i) 講解重點 (Chinese version only)

(ii) 短片:八一中國人民解放軍建軍節 (Chinese version only)

Remarks: Teachers should make suitable adaptations or selections of learning activities and learning and teaching resources based on students' age, learning progress and other school-based factors.

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